API key roles

Starting with v2.5.0, Shlink allows attaching certain roles to API keys, in order to limit the actions they can do.

For backwards compatibility, all API keys without roles are considered admin API keys and can do everything.

Supported roles

Currently, API keys can have any combination of these roles:

  • AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS: The API key will only be able to interact with short URLs created with it.

    This includes not being able to fetch stats or tags that belong to short URLs created with other API keys.

  • DOMAIN_SPECIFIC: The API key will be able to create and interact with short URLs only under one specific domain.

    It will also cause short URLs from other domains to not be counted when fetching visit stats or tags.

  • NO_ORPHAN_VISITS (since v3.7.0) : Shlink will behave as if orphan visits do not exist when accessed with an API key having this role.

    They will always get an empty list when fetching orphan visits, and when trying to delete orphan visits the result will always be 0 with no side effects.

Attaching roles

Roles are attached from the command line, while creating the API key with api-key:generate command.

This command accepts flags for every role, allowing to provide any of them at a time.

  • AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS: Provide the flag --author-only (-a), which does not accept a value.
  • DOMAIN_SPECIFIC: Provide the flag --domain-only=example.com (-d example.com). This will attach the role for the domain provided as value.
  • NO_ORPHAN_VISITS: Provide the flag --no-orphan-visits (-o), which does not accept a value.
Terminal window
$ bin/cli api-key:generate --author-only --domain-only=example.com --no-orphan-visits


Editing roles on existing API keys is not allowed, as it could lead to behavior inconsistencies and security breaches.

If you wish to restrict permissions, disable an existing API key and generate a new one.


There are a couple of edge cases and considerations to have in mind when attaching roles to API keys:

  • Operations from CLI will always behave as admin. Among other things, this means that:
    • It will not be possible to apply any limitation while listing or interacting with any entity.
    • Created short URLs will not be attached to an API key, and therefore, will not be affected by AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS API keys.
    • Imported short URLs will not be attached to an API key either, having the same limitation as in previous point.
  • Custom slugs are globally unique. That means that a conflict error could occur when providing a custom slug that “seems” to be available, but it’s actually in use by a short URL which is not visible by the API key in use.
  • When creating short URLs with a DOMAIN_SPECIFIC API key, they will all be created for that domain implicitly, regardless of the domain provided. Provided one will always be ignored.
  • The DOMAIN_SPECIFIC restriction cannot be used for the default domain.
  • For simplicity, editing and deleting tags will not be allowed for non-admin API keys, resulting on a 403 response. The intention is to improve this behavior in future versions.