Getting started
Shlink is a self-hosted URL shortener which provides both a REST and a CLI interface to interact with it.
Additionally, there’s also an official Shlink web client which, by making use of Shlink’s REST API, provides a beautiful web UI to handle multiple Shlink instances.
This documentation will walk you through the process of getting both Shlink and shlink-web-client installed, using one of the many available approaches.
You will also learn how it is architected, how to use it once installed, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Table of contents
- Getting started
- Install docker image
- Install from dist file
- Supported runtimes
- Supported db engines
- GeoLite2 license key
- Update your instance
- Tracking visits
- Some features
- Environment variables
- Long-running tasks
- Advanced
- Dynamic redirects
- Special redirects
- Multiple domains
- Import short URLs
- Real-time updates
- Using redis
- Using a reverse proxy
- Send visits to Matomo
- Shlink architecture
- Command line
- Shlink web client
- Integrations
- Official PHP SDK
- Official JS SDK
- Short Menu for Mac
- Short Menu for iOS
- GNOME Shell extension
- Dropshare/Shortshare
- Troubleshooting